Knockin Medical Centre: 01691 682203

Service Provider Details

Name: Dr P Desai, Dr S Lowe & Dr A Farooqi

Address: The Old Courthouse Surgery, 27 Wood Street, Barnet, Herts, EN5 4BB

Telephone: 0208 449 2388


Practice Manager: Tracey Rudge

Legal status: Partnership

Registered Manager : Dr Prashant Desai

Service types: Doctors consultation service

Regulated activities: Treatment of disease, disorder or injury

Diagnostic and screening procedures

Maternity and midwifery services

Family planning services


Service users: Open for registration to patients resident and temporarily resident in the practice area



Dr Prashant Desai

MB.ChB Dundee 1996 MRCGP, DFFP

Dr Ahmer Farooqi

MB ChB Manchester 1996 MRCGP,

Salaried GP's

Dr Anita Ganapathi


Dr Deborah O'Donnell

MRCGP,2003 Bristol, DFFP, DRCOG

Dr Rashael Gerrard

Mb ChB Warwick 2010

Aims and Objective

    • To provide personalised, effective and high quality general practice services, committed to the health needs of all of our patients.
    • To work in partnership with our patients, their families and carers and to involve them in decision making about their treatment and care. To listen and support them and help them to maintain their independence.
    • To promote health and wellbeing to prevent disease.
    • When it is in the patient’s best interest, provide an informed choice when referring them to other professionals.
    • To improve our healthcare services to patients by learning, monitoring and consultation with our PPG.
    • To ensure that our staff are competent and motivated with the correct skills and training to carry out their roles and protect themselves against abuse
    • To ensure that robust information governance systems are in place and all staff receive training in this
    • To Safeguard Vulnerable Adults, Children and Young people
    • To treat all patients and staff with dignity, respect and honesty in an environment which is accessible, safe and helpful.
    • To ensure that patients and staff receive equal treatment regardless of race, gender, disability or age
    • Maintain High Quality of care through continuous learning and training.

Registered Manager: Dr Prashant Desai

The Old Courthouse Surgery has been an established general practice, serving High Barnet and surrounding areas for at least 150 years, seeing several different partners.   Our patients come from all social groups and a fairly diverse population.

The Old CourtHouse Surgery is easily accessible by public and private transport as it located very near to the High Barnet High street. Patients park in the nearby Roads and in the allocated car parking bays in and around the high street

In addition to the partners we employ a salaried GP. We are also a training practice for registrars and F2 doctors, who are supported by Dr Desai and Dr Farooqi. We also have several medical students with us during the year and they are supported by Dr Lowe.

We have 2 practice nurses and an HCA. The rest of the team includes a practice manager, an administrator, 9 receptionists and 4 secretaries. We also have a midwife who attends the practice once a week and in house counsellors.

The nursing team provide a full range of clinics including health checks, asthma, diabetes, COPD, smears, hypertension, foreign travel, ear syringing, dressings, baby immunisations, smoking cessation clinics.

We also carry out post natal and 6 week baby checks.

Out of hours care is covered by Barndoc

NHS services are split into 3 groups; Essential, Additional and Enhanced.

Our services include:

    • Health checks
    • Medication reviews
    • Repeat prescription service
    • Management of chronic diseases
    • Maternity services
    • Pill checks
    • Weight loss and lifestyle management
    • Cervical screening
    • Wound management
    • Childhood immunisations
    • Child health surveillance
    • Travel clinics
    • Flu immunisations for adults and children
    • Smoking cessation
    • Learning disability checks
    • Home visits
    • Palliative care
    • Mental health
    • 24 hour blood pressure monitoring

Non-NHS services

We also provide non NHS services which are paid for by the patient or requesting organisation. These include:

    • Private medical reports for insurance or medico-legal
    • Private medical examinations
    • Copies of medical records
    • Non NHS vaccinations
    • Private patients.

GP appointments are available to book in the afternoon and evening in advance. We also have same day appointments available to book every day. Home visits are available for patients, who are housebound. Prescriptions are ready within 48 working hours and can also be sent electronically to a pharmacy of the patient choice.

Patients can also order prescriptions on line.

Patients will be referred to an appropriate health professional or service if the practice cannot meet their need.

Community nursing and phlebotomy services are available to people unable to attend the practice.


For patients that do not speak English, a translator can be requested.

We have a ramp for disabled patients that can be placed in the entrance if required.

We have a loop for patients who are hard of hearing.

Consent and chaperone

No patient is ever examined or a procedure carried out without consent. A chaperone is always in attendance for any personal examinations and a patient can request one at any time.


We ask patients to advise us if they are a carer or are cared for as we can refer them for help and support.

Confidentiality and Access to Patient Information

All patient information is confidential and we comply fully with the Data Protection Act. All employees have access to patient records and have signed a confidentiality agreement contained in their contracts. Patient information may be shared with other health professionals in relation to their care.

Patient identifiable information will not be disclosed to other individuals without their explicit consent, unless ordered to do so by court order or to prevent harm to themselves or other individuals.

The Data Protection Act and The Access to Health Records Act allow a patient to find out information held in their health records or those of someone who has died. A patient wishing to have access to their health records needs to make a written request to the practice. When requesting a copy of their notes, a charge will be made. The practice Caldicott guardian is Dr Susan Lowe

Patient Participation Group

We have a virtual group, who we correspond with by email and newsletters. All patients are invited to join and give their opinions and suggestions for improvements to the surgery.

Comments, suggestions and complaints.

We welcome comments and suggestions from patients. We have a protocol for dealing with complaints. All complaints should be made to the Practice Manager, who will ensure that a complete investigation is made and a response will be made in a timely manner. If the complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of the complainant the Health Service Ombudsman can investigate further.