Knockin Medical Centre: 01691 682203

At Staveleigh we put PEOPLE first. Without patients we don’t have a surgery. That’s why it’s important to us that we listen to our patients and make sure we meet patient needs. Who is better to ask what our patients want than our patients themselves?

What is the purpose of a PPG?

The main mission of the PPG is engagement with the Practice to include providing patient feedback and, where the practice and Patient Participation Group agree, acting on

suggestions for improvement.

The role of the PPG includes:

  • Being a critical friend to the practice;
  • Advising the practice on the patient perspective and providing insight into the responsiveness and quality of services;
  • Encouraging patients to take greater responsibility for their own and their family’s health;
  • Carrying out research into the views of those who use the practice;
  • Organising health promotion events and improving health literacy;
  • Regular communication with the patient population.

Who can join the PPG?

Our Patient Participation Group (PPG) are a group of volunteer patients who provide a voice for patients and tell us what patients want and need form the surgery. Any patient can become a member of our PPG and share their views and the views of others. In fact we want to hear from all population groups, particularly underrepresented groups, that’s why we ask some protected characteristic monitoring questions when a patient expresses an interest.

What would I have to do if I joined the PPG?

Joining the PPG is voluntary and members have the right to being involved in as much or as little as they like, and even withdraw at any time. Being a member of the PPG can include receiving invites to meetings, having interviews and consultations with practice staff, helping the practice to collect feedback on the practice and its services to implement positive change, being a voice for patients, contributing to and receiving patient newsletters, being invited to and assisting with organising events.

Will joining the PPG have any effect on me being a patient?

The only effect joining the PPG will have on you as a patient will be benefiting from the changes and improvements the practice will make for all patients as a result of listening to the PPG. There is no discrimination when it comes to clinical care for members and non-members of the PPG. Members of the PPG will not have priority over appointments or prescriptions as we treat all patients fairly with equal opportunities.

Likewise, we don’t want to be told how good we are; we to be told what’s not working, what are are doing wrong, how can we improve the patient experience.

Sounds fantastic! How do I sign up?

If you are interested in joining our PPG, this first thing to do is to register your interest by completing the form below. You can also contact the surgery to express your interest by calling the surgery on 0161 304 8009.

PPG Application Form